Huahine – Polynesia


The geography of trophoblastic diseases

Low impact

High incidence

The history of trophoblastic diseases

Year Description Authors
2017Pembrolizumab (immunotherapy)Ghorani
2013Induction EP (Ultra High Risk Disease)Alifrangis
2006NLRP7 mutationMurdoch
2002WHO / FIGO staging scoreWHO / FIGO
2001WHO diagnostic criteria for GTNWHO
1992FIGO stagingFIGO
1986EMACO polychemotherapy newlands
1983International prognostic factorsWHO
1983Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT)Okabe
1978Placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT)Kurman
1978Androgenetic origin of complete moles Kaji, Ohama
1976βhCG radioimmunoassayBraunstein
1976English prognostic factorsBagshawe, Charing Cross, London
1974Foundation of the ISSTDISSTD
1973American Prognostic FactorsHammond, NCI USA
1968hCG/LH radioimmunoassayThomas
1962Dactinomycin (Methotrexate resistant patients)Ross
1956Choriocarcinoma treated with MethotrexateHertz, Li
1950hCG/LH immunoassay Delfs, Hon
1950Regression of hCG by Methotrexate (hepatoma)Li
1947GTN grading systemHertig
1930Gonadotropin bioassays Asheim, Zondek
1928hCG urine (pregnancy and GTD)Zondek
1920Link between GTDs and the placenta Hirose
1894Trophoblast transplanted into the lungSchmorl
1877Choriocarcinoma Chiari
1840Chorioadenoma destruens (malignant disease)Wilton
1761hydatidiform moleHunter
1276Death in hemorrhage (delivery of 365 children / vesicles)Countess Margareta of Henneberg
500HydatidAetius of Amide
-400Uterine hydropsHippocrates of Cos

Modified on 12/23/2023