Description and purpose of the research

The aim of the research, carried out using banked blood and tissue samples, is to better understand the pathology of molar pregnancies and repeated fetal losses by identifying the genes responsible for them and trying to understand how these Morbid genes cause an arrest of embryonic development. This study, which should last 5 to 10 years, will allow us to better understand the molecular bases of the early stages of development of the human embryo, to develop better medical monitoring as well as a better prognosis and palliative treatment of these conditions. .

We are collaborating with the laboratory of Rima SLIM , PhD at McGill University on research protocols : Identification of genetic factors responsible for molar pregnancies, repeated abortions and infertility without clinical explanations.

All the information about his research project is available in the flyer which can be downloaded here.

Modified on 12/23/2023