En cours …
- Banque d’échantillons biologiques et de données cliniques (CHUM)
- Base mondiale de données pour les PSTT, ETT et GTN à haut risque. Investigateur : Dr B Hanckok
- International database of low-risk gestational trophoblastic diseases. A ISSTD project. Investigateur : Dr B. You, Lyon, France
- Is chemotherapy always needed for choriocarcinoma management where disease is apparently completely excised? Objectifs : To determine the outcome of patients with pathological diagnosis of gestational choriocarcinoma followed by spontaneous hCG normalization without chemotherapy. Investigateurs : France, Belgium, Liege, Denmark, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Brazil, Ireland, Switzerland, Boston, Chicago, Québec.
- Retrospective Outcomes Analysis Comparing Single Agent With Multiagent Chemotherapy For Low Risk Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Investigateurs: Dr. P. Hoskins, Vancouver Centre, British Columbia Cancer Agency and Dr. A. Kumar, Fraser Valley Cancer Centre, British Columbia Cancer Agency.
- Phénotypage tumoral et microenvironnement immunitaire des tumeurs trophoblastiques gestationnelles : étude préclinique de l’expression de PDL1, CD73 et du récepteur A2A. Investigateurs : Dr Y. Dabi (France), Dr Ph. Sauthier, Dr C. Touboul (France), Dr V. Samouëlian.
- International FIGO database. Objectifs : To evaluate performance of the FIGO 2000 risk scoring system in terms of treatment response and outcome.. Investigateurs : Boston, Chicago, Venezuela, United Kingdom, Brazil, Quebec, Philipines, France, Netherlands, Hong Kong
- GOG 174
- GOG 275
- SOGC/GOC Canadian guidelines on GTD/GTN. Investigateurs : SOGC/GOC/SCC Policy and Practice Guidelines Committee, Dr L. Eiriksson Gynecologic Oncology, McMaster University, Dr E. Dean, Gynecologic Oncology, University of Manitoba
- International research project managed by Dr E. Kohorn of Yale in order to determine the factors involved in the management of trophoblastic diseases, GOC GTD/GTN Survey, Questionnaire de satisfaction des patientes et professionnels.
Modifié le 23/12/2023